Roadside Weed Whacking

June 4, 2024

APFSC is pleased to announce that the annual roadside weed whacking is about to begin in the next few days. The exact starting date has not been set but you will start to see signs, cones and workers along the road soon. Please use extra caution while driving. We do not utilize traffic control and rely on everyone's vigilance for safety.

This work is entirely funded by your donations. Napa Firewise only supports major fuel reduction, such as brush and trees, and does not fund weed abatement. This is unfortunate as the roadside weeds are a fire hazard and a safety hazard to bicyclists and walkers. We have funding for this year but need to replenish our account to prepare for next season. Donations should be sent to Napa Firewise which make them tax deductible. You must note that the funds are for Atlas Peak to ensure that funds arrive in our account.

Thank you for your continued support and your extra vigilance driving.