Fire Safety Funding For You

April 28, 2023
Ready Napa County Website

Atlas Peak Fire Safe Council

Fire Safety Funding For You

April 11, 2023

Our second newsletter of the week- with important information freshly delivered!

Defensible Space Grant

Receive up to $3,500 to make your home safer from wildfires

Napa Firewise, through a grant from CAL FIRE, is pleased to offer cost-sharing reimbursement for defensible space work around homes throughout Napa County. If you live in Napa County and your home is in or close to a HIGH or VERY HIGH Fire Hazard Severity Zone, you should apply before funding runs out!  Apply Now

Reflect To Protect

Register for your free sign by May 15, 2023Napa Firewise is pleased to announce its 2023 expansion of our Reflect to Protect program to provide reflective “911” address signs at no cost to you. With funding from the California Fire Safe Council, we have relaunched our initiative to provide reflective “911” address signs throughout Napa County. One of the best ways to prepare for an emergency is to install these reflective address signs so that your driveway is visible to fire and ambulance crews in the dark and through smoke.Get Your Sign Now

New Alert System

Alert Napa County has launched. Notifications will provide you with critical and time-sensitive information for a variety of situations, such as severe weather, public health advisories and life-threatening incidents like wildfires and evacuations. If you are a subscriber to NIXLE alerts, you are automatically subscribed to the new system.

To sign up for Alert Napa County:  

To learn more about Alert Napa County, visit